مادة (2) : يقصد بالكلمات والعبارات الواردة في هذه المادة المعاني المبينة قرين كل منها أينما وردت في هذا القانون مالم يقتض سياق النص خلاف ذلك :

Interpretation of Terms and Phrases in Legal Contexts
This article provides an overview of how specific terms and phrases are interpreted within the context of a legal document, unless the context explicitly indicates otherwise. Understanding these definitions is crucial for the accurate application and interpretation of the law.
The interpretation of terms and phrases in legal documents is essential for ensuring clarity and consistency. This article outlines the importance of predefined meanings for terms and phrases as specified in legal texts, which helps in avoiding ambiguity and misinterpretation.
Key Points
- Legal documents often contain specific terms and phrases that have predefined meanings.
- These meanings are typically outlined in a dedicated section of the document, often referred to as the “Definitions” section.
- Understanding these definitions is crucial for the correct application of the law.
- In cases where the context requires a different interpretation, the document may specify exceptions.
Importance of Defined Terms
Defined terms in legal documents serve to eliminate ambiguity and ensure that all parties have a common understanding of the language used. This is particularly important in legal contexts where precise language is necessary to uphold the integrity of the law.
Contextual Exceptions
While predefined meanings are generally adhered to, there may be instances where the context of a legal document necessitates a different interpretation. In such cases, the document will typically provide guidance on how to interpret the terms in that specific context.
Understanding the predefined meanings of terms and phrases in legal documents is essential for legal practitioners and individuals involved in legal processes. It ensures that the law is applied consistently and accurately, reducing the risk of misinterpretation and legal disputes.